Me, Myself and I

Me, Myself and I “Me, Myself and I” is the annual production of the Yi-Shin Taiwanese Opera Troupe in 2019 and one of the shows in the “2nd Traditional Arts Festival Flagship Productions” organized by the National Center for Traditional Arts. It is a musical that incorporates different stories performed in Taiwanese opera and Peking opera, telling the main storyline of Lin Xian-tang of the Lin Family from Wufeng, Taichung.…

The Moon was in Tears

The Moon was in Tears “The Moon Was in Tears” is the annual production of Yi-Shin Taiwanese Opera Troupe in 2021 and also included in the “202021 Taiwan Traditional Theatre Festival. “ The first collaboration of Yi-Shin and playwright Zhao Xue-jun created the heart-breaking sequel of White Snake – “Thousand Years,“ their second time working together in 2021 creating a story taking us back to the famous “Jing-Kang Humiliation” in…

Where is Mackie?

Where is Mackie? Engaged in deceit; To wheel and deal.There is only one truth; The Curtain for a He-Says, She-Says Is Up. the trend for traditional Asian theaters to adapt Shakespeare's works into the modern theater was popular, Yi-Shin Taiwanese Opera Troupe refused to follow suit. Instead, it adapted the “Three Pennies Opera” by Bertolt Brecht into Taiwanese “O-pei-la” that combined the essence of the East and West dramatic elements.…

Hazardous Games around Hearts and Arrows

Hazardous Games around Hearts and Arrows The romantic comedy “Hazardous Games around Hearts and Arrows” is based on the work written by the pioneering realistic novelist/18 -century famous playwright Pierre Carlet de Marivaux. His works highlighted the personality traits of actors, exquisite emotions, and mental analysis to “internalize” the complexity and contradictions of the characters in his works. He dissected human natures with his unique language characterized by “elegance”, “exquisiteness,”…

The Heart in Blade

The Heart in Blade “The Heart in Blade” is a dream coming true for the head of Yi-Shin, Master Sun Rong-hui, because it has all the Kung Fu elements. The combination of Kung Fu in Taiwanese-opera style and the filming techniques of TV dramas creates a series of Kung Fu that breaks the limitations of theatrical dimension and allows performers to fly midair to do Kung Fu. Based on the…

The Song Of Lotus

The Song Of Lotus “The Song of Lotus” is the annual production of the Yi-Shin Taiwanese Opera Troupe in 2015. It is the 3rd time that Yi-Shin collaborated with Director Lang Zu-yun and the first time with the famous Chinese literati writer, Ms. Zhang Man-juan. The Song of Lotus was an adaptation of Zhang’s work. Based on the legendary novel- Military Councilor of Huazhou by novelist Wen Ting-yun of the…

Wu Song Slaying His Sister-in-law

Wu Song Slaying His Sister-in-law “Wu Song Slaying His Sister-in-law” is a production passed down from Mr. Sun Gai, father of the 2015 Taipei Culture Awards, Sun Rong-hui. He and his father witnessed the sensation the show created while touring Southeast Asia. In 2014, The revised version was brought to the stage in the “The Here-Comes-Signature-Shows-Again ” organized by the National Center of Traditional Arts. 2019, just before the 30th…

Liu Ming-Chuan

Liu Ming-chuan “Liu Ming-chuan” was premiered in 2004 in celebration of the 120th anniversary of the establishment of Taipei City. In 2014, this classic was brought to the stage again in celebration of the 130th anniversary of the Taipei City. A combination of Taiwanese opera and the modern sound and lighting techniques, the story focuses on the character’s soft side to unfold the story of the very first governor of…


2021臺北市傳統藝術季 《孫龐鬥法‧鬼谷歸天》 ◎ 時間:2021/11/29(一)19:00◎ 地點:松山車站南側交4廣場◎ <臺北市松山區松山路、松隆路交叉口>◎ 費用:免費演出◎ 主辦單位:臺北市立國樂團 演出介紹 演出陣容 演出介紹 龐涓以超高兵法戰術,一舉打敗強盛的秦國軍隊,鄰近諸侯小邦震驚之餘,紛紛前來朝賀歸屬,因此龐涓從此受到魏惠王重用,更千點為東床郡馬;龐涓重情,向魏惠王推薦師兄孫臏,欲共替為國爭霸天下,孫臏乃百年難得之軍事奇才,卻總不自禁流露出名門世家的心高氣傲,加上師父鬼谷子的偏私袒護、無情傷害,終壓抑不住龐涓的心魔怒火…… 演出陣容 團長、導演:孫榮輝執行長、編劇:孫富叡音樂設計:陳孟亮武術指導:劉元易、傅威瀚領銜主演:孫詩珮、孫詩詠、孫麗雅、柯進龍、林冠妃、陳子楓…暨一心戲劇團菁英演職員

文化部「藝Fun線上舞臺計畫」 【OPENTIX Live】一心戲劇團《賢臣迎鳳》淬鍊經典

文化部「藝Fun線上舞臺計畫」 【OPENTIX Live】一心戲劇團《賢臣迎鳳》淬鍊經典 ◎ 線上入場時間:2021/11/27(六)14:00(臺灣時間GMT+8)◎ 線上演出時間:2021/11/27(六)14:30(臺灣時間GMT+8)<演出全長100分鐘>◎ 觀賞平臺:OPENTIX Live線上平臺◎ 票價:300元<購票請上OPENTIX售票系統>◎ 售票連結:◎ 錄影地點:大稻埕戲苑9樓劇場◎ 主辦單位:一心戲劇團◎ 指導單位:文化部◎ 協辦單位:國家表演藝術中心/國家兩廳院◎ 長期贊助單位:欣葉國際餐飲集團、天成大飯店 演出介紹 演出陣容 演出介紹 《賢臣迎鳳》改編自經典傳統古冊戲《宋宮秘史─包公會國母》,將傳統全新製作精華淬鍊重現,融入了現代劇場節奏性特色,優美柔情、耐人尋味的歌聲、溫馨感人劇情內容,是一齣充滿闔家觀賞、老少咸宜的歌仔戲。  鳳生龍子 密謀奪昭陽、冤魂泣訴 玄奇落帽風狸貓換子 民間遺丹鳳、正義青天 除惡震開封… 大宋嘉祐年間,剛正不阿的忠臣包拯,辦案清如水明如鏡、無畏於強權豪勢。包拯奉命到陳州賑災,返朝途中一陣詭異的「落帽風」冥冥中引其與賣菜為生的范仲華及其眼盲老母相遇,這位老貧婆泣訴自己是流落民間的李宸妃,且為當朝九五之尊的親生母親,並取出宋嘉宗所賜「綾絲羅帕」,此物掀起大宋王朝宮廷的波濤洶湧…… 演出陣容 團長、導演:孫榮輝執行長、編劇:孫富叡音樂設計:何玉光錄影執行導演:范聖宗舞蹈設計:蔡羽謙舞美設計:王耀崇影像設計:羅士翔燈光設計:徐潠毅現場混音工程:陳鐸夫錄影團隊:久天有限公司導        播:卞成章老  宸  妃:高玉珊 飾<特邀演出>陳        琳:孫榮輝 飾<資深藝師演出>包        公:孫詩珮 飾范仲華、宋仁宗:孫詩詠 飾八  賢  王:林冠妃 飾李  丹  鳳:何采潔 飾郭        槐:柯進龍 飾寇珠、寇玉:孫麗雅 飾…暨一心戲劇團菁英演職員  


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